ΔΟΕΠΕΛ | Διεπαγγελματική Οργάνωση Επιτραπέζιας Ελιάς
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The need of representation of a national product with strategic role

DOEPEL was founded to represent a sector of our agricultural economy that makes our country proud worldwide, as Greek table olives have been (almost) exclusively export-oriented agricultural products since the beginning of the 20th century. About 90% of the domestic production is exported to more than 100 countries per year, increasing the national GDP to more than € 600 million.

Those of us involved in the table olives sector (including varying greek production regions and stages of the table olive production), from producers organized into Cooperative Organizations and Associations to almost all of the processing, packaging and trading units (handling and export), we have co-decided our autonomous representation under the umbrella of the National Interprofessional Organization of Table Olives.

The initiative to create a national body with expanded responsibilities that will effectively and balanced represent the sector, is a basic condition for defending the interests of a strategic export product for the national economy and strengthening its position in international markets. In order to achieve the goals of DOEPEL, the active and effective participation of everyone is necessary.

Good luck!

                                               Dr. Georgios Doutsias,

                                               President of DOEPEL

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The Table Olive Sector in Numbers

The Table Olive Sector in Numbers